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Saturday, 2 June 2012

Some new stock

IMGP9121_redyellowhenweb_crop by Ajay Jayne

IMGP9121_redyellowhenweb, a photo by Ajay Jayne on Flickr.
I have finally had some free time to make more stock pieces for my Folksy shop. The sun has been shining brilliantly making it possible to get some decent photographs that show the colours properly and I have tried out some new borders for these new items. There are just a couple more to solder and assemble then I will make some time for the pebble and seaside ideas that I am keen to get working on.

My original red hen that was used to create the logo has now been sold so the one above is her replacement with a flowery border and darker more detailed wings.

A couple more cats are being added, one with a very dark wine red border decorated with little hearts and another with a background of flowers.

Feel free to visit the shop
